Wednesday, November 21, 2007

güle güle turkey...

after 6 weeks and more than 1700 km i left turkey. i very enjoyed cycling in turkey although the many high passes and the snow. thanks to all turkish people who helped me and invited me to drink cay. tesekkür!!!!! I had a fantastic time!! i promise i will come again one day...

the highest mountain in turkey, ararat. higher than the mountains in switzerland (5137m)

salam iran...without any problems i could cross the border to iran. the first days were not that easy...get money, long distances to cycle, police and dangerous drivers...

...get is not possible to withdraw money on atms. and creditcards are not accepted. you have to take cash in dollar or euro with you and change it in iran. but only a few banks in bigger cities change money. it took me a long time until i got iranian money (rial).

...the distances between cities are long. on one day i drove 117 km to reach the next city (marand). i arrived pretty late. fortunately i met magid who helped me finding a hotel.

later on i went with his uncle to a swimming pool and sauna. just the right after the hard day...

...police, your friend and helper? they stoped me on the road and checked if i have any drugs...fortunatelly they didnt see my washing powder ;-)... is pretty dangerous on iranian roads (for foreigner). especially in cities..there it is horrible. an iranian guy wanted to show me the way with its bike in tabriz. he was just driving next to me as suddenly a car hit him...fortunately he didnt get hurt so much.

tabriz has one of the biggest bazar in iran. they sell carpets, fruits, tea, seasonings and so on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Daniel I can nearly smell the markets of tabriz....what a great experience. I loved the oriental bazars everywhere. I hope you gonna have as many good experiences in Iran as in Turkey and as I can see you keep on meeting nice people. This must have something to do with you! Good luck and stay off the big roads they sound horrible. Best regards and wishes Christine